Comparison Essay

Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” and Kesha’s “Praying” compare to each other in more ways than you think. Both story’s common theme is that over time you get stronger. In “Fahrenheit 451” Guy grows stronger and more independent over the course of the book. At the beginning he plays by the rules and tries to fit in, but eventually he realizes things aren’t quite right and he wants to do something about it. In “Praying” it says that someone hurt her and it’s only made her stronger. Also that the person who hurt her should be ready for when she comes back, as said in the lyrics, “I’ll bring thunder, I’ll bring rain, oh / When I’m finished, they won’t even know your name”.

Again, the common theme in both stories is that over time you get stronger. Some similarities are that they are both growing stronger, they are both struggling internally, and they both have an “antagonist” in their life. In the song, Kesha states “and I don’t need you, I found a strength I’ve never known.” She’s kind of saying that she didn’t need them and she is stronger now. From the introduction paragraph we see how Guy becomes stronger. Kesha is struggling internally because this person hurt her and she needs to move on. Guy is struggling internally because he’s trying to find what’s right in life. “‘Cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell / I had to learn how to fight for myself”, as stated in “Praying”. Guy was taught that books were bad and they needed to be burned and he wants to learn from them so he doesn’t know what to do. Kesha’s antagonist would be the person who hurt her, and Guy’s antagonist would be Captain Beatty.

Although there are similarities there are also some differences. Two of them are Kesha is a girl and Guy is a guy, and “Praying” is set in the present while “Fahrenheit 451” is set in the future. In the song it doesn’t directly state that Kesha is a girl, but if you listen to the song she definitely is a girl. Bradbury refers to Guy in the story as a “he”. “Praying” just came out recently so it would have to be set in the present. Bradbury writes his story with futuristic details like having a T.V.-wall that is interactive and the seashells in their ears.

In conclusion, we see in both “Praying” and “Fahrenheit 451” that both characters are becoming stronger. Both stories have some similarities and some differences. Only after reading the story and listening to the song will you truly understand how strong they are becoming over time.

Literary Essay on Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury’s dystopian story, “Fahrenheit 451”, takes place in a time where society burns books. Guy Montag, a fireman, follows the rules. When he meets Clarisse, his intelligent neighbor, she opens his eyes to a whole new world. He becomes more and more curious until one day his curiosity gets the best of him and he steals a book. One lesson the story suggests is curiosity leads to the truth, and never be afraid to pursue the truth.

In the beginning of the story, we see Guy Montag and his life. He follows the rules and burns books. Bradbury writes, “he flicked the igniter and the house jumped up in a gorging fire that burned the evening sky red and yellow and black.” This shows that Guy is a fireman and he’s just doing his job. It’s not until he meets Clarisse when his eyes open up to new things. “How odd. How strange. And my wife thirty and yet you seem so much older at times. I can’t get over it.” This detail shows that Clarisse is getting Guy to think about things and wonder.

More towards the middle of the story, we see him reveal his little “library” to Mildred. He is taking a risk and owning books when it is illegal. Stated from the text it says, “He kept moving his hand and dropping books, small ones, fairly large ones, yellow, red, green ones.” He also seeks out Faber, an old professor, so he can learn about the books. “You’re the only one I knew might help me. To see. To see…” They create a plan to plant books in a bunch of firemen’s homes and call 911 with an alert for books so they look like criminals. This plan could go all sorts of wrong but Montag still wants to go through with it, while Faber was just joking. Slowly, we see Guy become braver and more curious.

It could be said that Guy was just acting rebellious. While this is true, he was acting more rebellious at the middle of the story and more towards the end, not throughout the whole story. Being curious is a better point, because we see him grow more curious throughout the story. Him being a rebel is just a side-effect of being curious.

At the end of the story, we see Guy has just gone off the charts and is a known fugitive. His first action was killing Beatty. “And then he was a shrieking blaze, a jumping, sprawling gibbering manikin, no longer human or known, all writhing flame on the lawn as Montag shot one continuous pulse of liquid fire on him.” Guy was pushed all the way and he had enough of it so he pulled the trigger. The second action is running away from the crime scene. “Montag sat up. Let’s get out of here. Come on, get up, get up, you just can’t sit!” He realized what he did and now he’s really in trouble. His third and final action was finding the group of “refugees” and traveling with them. “Montag began walking and after a moment found that the others had fallen in behind him, going north.” He finally found his place amongst others where he could be himself.

In conclusion, throughout the story we see how Guy becomes more curious and in some ways rebellious. One lesson the story suggests is curiosity leads to the truth, and never be afraid to pursue it. Guy wanted to learn more and he wasn’t afraid of the consequences if he did learn more by reading books. He risked his and Faber’s freedom so he could learn.

Introduction to Fahrenheit 451

Image result for fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 is set in a bleak, dystopian future. It has not said exactly where it takes place. I would say the environment is mixed because some days it is raining, or sunny, and sometimes windy. It could be kind of clogged up with smoke because the firemen burn down houses and books for a living. The setting is different from where we live because in the book it is all future-y and high tech. They even have wall televisions that interact with you and the closest thing we have to that is probably a T.V.

The main character is Guy Montag, and he is a fireman. Some specific influences on Guy’s life are Clarisse and the government. Clarisse influences his life because she gets him to pay attention to his surroundings and notice things more often. The government influences Guy’s life because they have all these rules that books are somewhat banished and against the law, and Guy is just curious and he doesn’t want to get arrested because his curiosity got the best of him and he stole a book. That is the main problem of the story, Guy becomes almost paranoid and anxious because of the books. Guy is like me because he is curious of books and I really love reading.

Littering and Its Effects on Today’s Environment

One sunny day in Fort Wayne, Indiana, a man was eating a McDonald’s cheeseburger while sitting on a park bench. After he was finished he mindlessly threw the wrapper on the ground even though the trash can was less than 10 feet away. Littering is a growing issue in today’s society. It leads to more serious things such as water pollution. Litter is all around us and we do nothing about it.

Litter can come from many places, such as construction and demolition sites, households, industries, uncovered trucks, pedestrians, and moving vehicles. Citizens are just too lazy to throw away their trash in a bin, the only right place trash should go. No one really understands the effects it has on an environment.

Littering impacts the society in many ways such as economic, legal, and environmental problems. In terms of economics, cities spend up to thousands of dollars to cleaning up litter and it can cause loss to local tourism industries. In legal matters, you could get a huge fine, depending on the state, if you are caught littering from a vehicle. Finally, environmental impacts are the damage to our surroundings can have an effect to plants and animals.

Just by littering on the road you can cause a car accident. Maybe it’s a car driving over a wood crate or even swerving to avoid some trash. It is still dangerous and can lead to accidents.

Interesting enough, cigarette butts make up over half of the objects we litter. While many people believe that it only takes the butts a few days to decompose, they actually take up to ten years to decompose due to a cellulose acetate. In reality, they are a serious threat to the environment.

Litter on the ground or even in the water could end up killing an animal. A stray cat could be wandering around and come across an empty cheese-ball container and get their head stuck in it, and in the end they suffocate. Or it could be a trash bag somehow finding its way into the ocean and harmless little sea turtles or exotic fish get trapped in them and, wait for it, end up suffocating. “The vast quantities of plastic which litter… oceans are not only a real danger to sea life but could also threaten humans too,” Paul Rose, the vice president of the Royal Geographical Society, says.

Another thing is littering makes places less beautiful. Who would want to on a family trip to the beach and find it completely covered in trash and nowhere to sit. Or just walk outside of your house that is for sale to find your yard blanketed with trash, no one would want to buy it then.

A very large majority of Americans have admitted to littering in their lifetimes. We got a chance to ask a couple Hoosiers on their insights of littering. Our first question was if they admit to littering, themselves. “I throw food on the ground but that is only because it decomposes quickly,” Madison Cocks told us. While food does decompose quickly , no one really wants to step in some decomposing, rotten apple or banana. Camille Haines answered our question on seeing someone litter. “Yes, I see it quite often.” These are only a couple people who spoke to us about littering, but in reality there are many organizations working on the job.

So, next time you see someone litter, kindly ask them to pick up their trash, or if they refuse pick it up yourself. Quit littering and encourage others to do the same. It’s the people like you who can make a difference.

Information from:

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Littering and the Effects on Today’s Environment (Rough Draft)

One sunny day in Indiana, a man was eating a McDonald’s cheeseburger while sitting on a park bench. After he was finished he mindlessly threw the wrapper on the ground even though the trash was less than 10 feet away. Littering is a growing issue in today’s society. It leads to more serious things such as water pollution. Litter is all around us and only few are doing anything about it.

Litter can come from many places, such as construction and demolition sites, households, industries, uncovered trucks, pedestrians, moving vehicles, etc. Citizens are just too lazy to throw away their trash in a bin, the only right place trash should go unless it is recyclable, then that goes in a recycling bin. No one truly understands the effects it has on the environment.

Littering impacts the society in ways such as economic, legal and environmental problems. In terms of economics, cities, or states, spend thousands of dollars cleaning up litter and it can cause loss to local tourism industries. In legal matters, you could get a huge fine if you were to be caught littering from a vehicle. Finally, the environmental impacts are damaging our surroundings can have an effect to plants and animals.

Just by littering on the road you could cause a car accident. Maybe it’s a car driving over a wood crate or swerving to avoid some trash. It is still dangerous and it can lead to accidents. No one would want that on their conscience.

Interesting enough, cigarette butts make up over half of the items we litter. They take up to 10 years to decompose due to a cellulose acetate, while many people believe cigarette butts decompose in a matter of days. In reality, they are a serious threat to the environment.

Litter on the ground or even in our waterways could end up killing an animal. Trash bags somehow end up in the ocean and harmless little sea turtles or exotic fish get stuck in them and end up suffocating. Or a stray cat could be wandering around and come to find an empty cheese-ball container and get their head stuck.

Another thing is littering makes places less beautiful, Who would want to go to the beach and be welcomed with beaches of trash and nowhere to sit. Or to just walk outside of your house that is for sale to find your yard blanketed with trash, no one would want to buy it then.

A very large majority of Americans have admitted to littering in their lifetimes. We got a chance to ask a couple Hoosiers on their insights of littering. We asked them if they have seen someone litter before. “Yes, I see it quite often,” Camille Haines said. Our next question was if they admit to littering, themselves. “I throw food on the ground but that’s only because it decomposes quickly,” Madison Cocks told us. Finally we asked them if they care about litter’s effects on the environment. “Yes, I do,” Samantha Kabisch answered.

So, next time you see someone litter ask them kindly to pick up their trash, or if they refuse pick it up yourself. Quit littering and encourage others to do the same. It’s the people like you who can make a difference.

The School Uniform Surprise!

It was a typical school day for the 8th graders at Blackhawk Middle School, but little did they know a few administrators had a trick up their sleeves. Mrs. Oaks, the instructional coach, was planning to “prank” the students by telling them they would start wearing uniforms after labor day break. We asked her why she wanted to do this to the students. ” You see, I wanted to show the students that we had it lucky because we did not have to wear uniforms.” Mrs. Oaks replied.

We managed to get a few students to tell us what happened in their language arts class. ” What made it so believable was that at the beginning she asked what color the flyers should be. She also gave us reasonable justifications like how other Fort Wayne Community Schools were starting to wear uniforms.” Marryn Barney, a student, told us. Apparently Mrs. Oaks asked at the beginning if the flyers should be colored or black and white. ” After Mr. Hoering and Mrs. Goddfrey closed the divider everyone burst into arguments and i had enough of it and walked out. As I was outside I told this one kid, Oscar, we were having uniforms and he kicked a locker. It was pretty funny!” Christian Hernandez, another student, commented.

After what we heard from Barney and Hernandez, our expectations were not high. We got a few more students to comment on this activity. “Everyone started arguing, some people started talking about strikes, and there was some complaining. I even heard this one kid, Andy, made a petition and got 50 signatures!” Emma Fiess, Hernandez’s classmate said. To get 50 signatures you’d have to have a high level of determination! “At the end Mrs. Oaks just left, she never let us pick which flyer option we wanted!” Madison Cocks, an 8th grader said loudly.

After everything we heard we came to the conclusion that not everyone would like uniforms at Blackhawk. Students were more than furious, and caused an uproar. News spread like wildfire and at the end of the day Mrs. Froning, the school principal, came on the announcements to say it was all a joke. For the students sake, they better not enforce uniforms.

I Am a Reader!

Over the summer I read the last two books of the Maze Runner series, The Kill Order and The Fever Code. The first one is about Mark, Trina, Alec and a bunch of other survivors of the first wave of The Flare, a man-made virus that affects the killzone and makes the person go mad. The book follows their adventures to get to Alaska and escape The Flare. The next book is before the maze with Newt, Alby, Minho, Thomas, and Teresa. As you’re reading you learn about what their life was like within WICKED headquarters before they become apart of WICKED’s lab rats. I didn’t really like The Kill Order because it wasn’t very exciting and I had just read 2 books about the main characters and I am just introduced to a whole new set of characters. I liked The Fever Code better because I was wondering what life was like before the maze and the character’s backstories. The book I chose from the library was The LIghtning Thief by Rick Riordan. I chose this book because I have been wanting to read it for a while now and I just couldn’t wait any longer. I have seen the first two movies so I already know what it’s about but the books are better for detail and I think I will enjoy this series.

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